Since her training with us, Jasmin has now become Thomas's right hand! No one makes finer sections than our Jasmin...
Have you already got one of those wonderful diffusers from us? Then there's a high chance that our Alex built it and ensured the precise air inlets.
Marek has become an absolute expert in making our mouthpieces and has been with our company since his training.
The most senior employee in our company: Karl Heinz has already worked with Thomas's father and, among other things, ensures our perfect beakers.
Also seemingly with us in the company for ages, and you have certainly smoked from a bowl made by Willi! Whether it's a funnel, cylinder, screen groove, or pure bowl.
Of course, we also care deeply about the next generation of glassblowers: That's why our apprentice Vincent is currently learning everything important about the production of glass in his dual trainin